COVID-19 Update (#22)
November 24, 2020
Dear Hillsboro Students and Families,
It’s been eight months since the first COVID-19 update was sent out. As much as I wish I was able to say that the situation has improved during these past weeks and months, it has not. The case counts in Vernon county have grown significantly in the past month and we are all hearing of more people that we know and love who have contracted this virus.
To this point, we have been able to stay in our “Yellow” learning phase due to cases among our students and staff remaining low. However, that could change at any point. You have probably heard that some schools in our region have made the decision to transition to a fully virtual learning phase. Often these transitions are due to the challenges of having enough staff to operate as cases emerge and contact tracing leads to quarantines. I have daily communications with schools in our county and region as we all monitor our local situations. Furthermore, the school board continues to monitor the situation as well. If, upon our return to school next week, there is a spike in students or staff testing positive, we may have to quickly transition to the Red Learning Phase.
We continue to work towards remaining in our "Yellow" learning model but if cases continue to emerge, we understand that the reality of a quick transition into our "Red" learning model may be necessary.
I want to remind you as families that whether we are in green, yellow or red learning phases, the virtual option remains open to all families. During these unprecedented times our best way forward as a district and a community continues to be supporting one another, and most importantly our children, as we continue to deal with the challenges and uncertainties that COVID-19 has presented.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Be Well and Take Care,
Curt Bisarek