A reminder to Hillsboro School District Families:
The district shares news and important updates to families via email.
If you believe that you have not been receiving district email updates, please contact rose.davey@hillsboroschools.org to ensure we have your most current email information on file. Thank you.
MS/HS Early Release:
Due to staffing shortages at the MS/HS level, MS/HS students will be dismissed at 12:30 today.
Transportation will be provided for early release students at the MS/HS, and our normal transportation route will run for elementary students at the end of the day as normally scheduled.
Pink out shirt sales are live now and end this Sunday, September 26, 2021.
Pink out for Hillsboro School athletics are the week of October 11-15th for all sports.
Transportation Reminder
Now Hiring!
Thank you parents and guardians for your ongoing support!
Sports Update for JH Volleyball -
Game times for matches tonight have changed:
5:00 7th Grade Royall vs. Hillsboro
6:30 8th Grade Royall vs Hillsboro
Wednesday, September 8th is Picture Day!
Asynchronous Learning Guidelines at the MS/HS
Hillsboro Athletic Passes Now Available!
Hillsboro Homecoming Apparel Now Available!
Hillsboro yard signs are available to order until 9/2 - https://bit.ly/3t72ksb
Hillsboro School District Reminder: District Open House from 4:30-6:30 today.
Attendees entering the MS/HS Open House will use the lower-level entrance doors by the cafeteria. We hope to see you there!
Junior High Volleyball practice begins September 2!
Daily school start and end times for each building are here!
Hillsboro Tigers Football Apparel is available to order online. Deadline 8/20/21. Follow the link to shop. https://fancloth.shop/NVCMU
The first HS Cross Country practice has been moved to Tuesday, August 17th. Practice will begin at 6:00pm.
HS Volleyball practice begins August 16
Junior high football will start practice on Monday, Aug 23 rd.
Practices will be Monday-Friday 3:30-5:30.
Junior high football athletes should be receiving an informational letter with more detailed information arriving shortly. Any questions about JH Football can be directed to Todd Salisbury at todd.salisbury@hillsboroschools.org
All junior high athletes are required to have up-to-date physicals, or alternate year cards on file, along with a signed code of conduct and emergency contact information.
Those forms can be accessed on our website, under documents - athletic forms, or by visiting our MS/HS office.
If you have questions about what athletic forms your child needs, please contact Rose Davey at rose.davey@hillsboroschools.org
The district is undergoing further improvements this summer, including work to our Track and Athletic Field.