Our next featured senior is Mel Viola!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments and good luck on your future endeavors!
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud #SeniorSpotlight
The MS/HS Virtual Learning Assignment Tracker for the week of May 26-May 29 is now available on our website, and has been emailed to MS/HS students and guardians. Didn't receive it? Email rose.davey@hillsboroschools.org
Our next featured senior is Lilly Voltz!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments and good luck on your future endeavors!
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud #SeniorSpotlight
Remembering our heroes on this special day. #HSDGoTigers
Our next featured senior is Gunner Hynek!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments and good luck on your future endeavors!
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud #SeniorSpotlight
Congratulations to the winners from the elementary Health and Wellness Bingo!
4K - Owen Revels & Owen Revels
K - Barbara Warn & Ellis Schulz
1st - Aaron McCollam & Grace Small
2nd - James Brown & Dustin Haun
3rd - Austin Bloedow & Daniel Ward
4th - Gracielee Mount & Gable Pooley
5th - Keith Gorn & Alyssa Prenkert
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud
Check out Mrs. Parker's Tribute to the senior choir members!
The good ol' Senior Material Drop-off Day is Tuesday, May 26th from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Seniors will be receiving an email listing items they currently have checked out and can return them to the staff stationed outside of the school during that time.
If they are unable to return materials on Tuesday, May 26th, please contact the MS/HS office at 608-489-1501 to schedule another time. Thank you!
Our next featured senior is Destiny Witmer!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments and good luck on your future endeavors!
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud #SeniorSpotlight
Thank you to Royal Bank for supporting the dairy challenge we started a few weeks back!
Royal Bank donated the yogurt that is produced and packaged at Schreiber foods. Thank you for supporting local dairy farmers while giving our (almost) 400 students a tasty treat!
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud
Our next featured senior is Dakota Froehlich!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments and good luck on your future endeavors!
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud #SeniorSpotlight
This #TigerFriday is Random Act of Kindness Day!
Do something nice for a family, friend, or community member then tell us about it in the comments below! #HSDGoTigers #BeKind
Our next featured senior is Dakota Clark!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments and good luck on your future endeavors!
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud #SeniorSpotlight
Senior Material Drop-off Day is Tuesday, May 26th from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Seniors can return materials to staff stationed outside of the school during that time. Seniors will be receiving an email today (Thursday, May 21st) listing items that need to be returned.
Any student in 8th-11th grade that is interested in running for class officer or student council for the 2020-21 school year should have their applications emailed to Mrs. Sullivan by noon on Friday, May 22. Mrs. Sullivan has emailed the applications to all students 8th-11th.
There will be no food service delivery or pick-up on Monday, May 25th (Memorial Day).
We're all smiles this Thursday!
#TBT #HSDGoTigers
Even animals want to get in on the homework sometimes! #HSDGoTigers
Our next featured senior is Cade Jensen!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments and good luck on your future endeavors!
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud #SeniorSpotlight
Our next featured senior is Seth Wallace!
Congratulations on all your accomplishments and good luck on your future endeavors!
#HSDGoTigers #TigerProud #SeniorSpotlight